i feel like a horrible person.
i feel horrible too.
theres this nagging feeling inside me, telling me i'm going to have a meltdown soon. I hope not..
Workload is hecka large.
I have no idea what to do anymore..
Sometimes, things others you have to work with or are around just hurt you with their actions. Human interaction, and response confuses me greatly. If ever i feel hurt or whatev, i'll just act all cheery again, and shrug it off. I guess you just build imaginary barriers and boundaries around oneself. I know how a mime feels now. Really.
(i just turned on youtube to watch the freehugs video. It just made me cry and smile at the same time. humans are such complex creatures. A little pat on the back, or a little hug all helps.. humans are pretty cool.)
-wow, i sounded like an alien commenting on the human race there.
Sometimes, when you stand back and just observe, do you really see what is happening around you. Diversification is good.
I wish i was a fish, free as could be. The only worries; food, shelter and survival.
Swimming in the ocean, with not a care in the world. When i jump into a swimming pool, i just feel.. free. I feel alive. I feel liberated.
i wish i had a journal.
a real journal.
not livejournal, not microsoft word, a journal.
Oh wait, i have one. Cynthia gave one to me. Gonna go write now.
i suddenly feel almost.. poetic and lyrical.
Yeah right.
Oh nevermind, after i'm done with PW and band work, i'll go learn drums. I borrowed a drumming instructional DVD from the esplanade library. Hehehe.
Shannon, you fucking procrastinator. You should just kill yourself to make the world a better place.
Today there was a talk on abstinence, from sex. What if someone choses to abstain, but never gets married? Anyway, we're all not really virgins now anyway. (maybe primary school kids are) Life screws us all.
Shannon, you self-centred, assholic idiot. Stop your bullshit. You aren't being fair and seeing things from other's prospectives. All you do is whine whine whine. About yourself and your problems and your screw ups. Stop all this negativity. Channel your negative energy into positive energy, and let the positive energy flow to your chakras. (i just laughed at that. Yoga freaks me out a bit.)
I think everyone is self-centered. Fulfilment of one's wants no matter what the cost. Everyone has a basic want to fulfil one's desires. Only then, do they (if they do) care about others. It was proven in a study that if you engaged in conversation with another, they would be most interested and attentive if you were talking about them, or things they liked. I tried it out before just to see if the results were accurate. They were.
Anyway, i'm not being cryptic here, i'm just talking about the human race, as a whole. Not targeted at any one person, so don't go paranoid if you think i'm talking about you. I AM NOT. i am just making a general observation.
Sometimes, little things depress me.
Like how nobody cares about saving the earth. Just take a look in the girl's toilet. When peeing, the amount of tissuepaper they take.. it's wasteful, and it's killing trees. It's not like they need so much anyway. It's like they're taking in oxygen. Take and take and take.
Cutting down of trees, burning down forests, turning on the A/C to such low temperatures.
When showering, take such long showers, and don't turn off the showerhead when soaping.
How many of us can say we have conciously made an effort to save the earth?
Its like nobody gives a shit about the earth anymore.
You can ignore me if you want, i won't go be the environment police or something even if you waste.
No it's not about the bills.
Ok, fine it is A BIT. but the main issue is still environmental conservation and preservation. Do we want all that we contribute to this earth to be just carbon emissions?
Bloody PUB. Inflation has gone up to such a high, and with the financial crisis just around the corner, or here already..
PUB is a natural monopoly. It's suppossed to be regulated by the government to check that it's not fucking it's citizens up. What government checks, what pareto effeciency. You're suppossed to help us out here, now you're just adding on to the burden. YOU'RE A FUCKING NATURAL MONOPOLY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. You're state checked to make sure you're not going to make supernormal profits by exploiting consumers, and their welfare. I'm sure prices of oil haven't and will not go up by 21%. Oil prices just fell to $94 a barrel. (It was $140+ at it's highest.) Why didn't you raise price then huh? SCAMMERS.
Oh globalisation, economic crisis, you're making the poor poorer, and the rich (some) poorer.
maybe i'm just venting on PUB, globalisation, and the economic bullshit turmoil. But it's better than venting on people, who have emotions.
"Now is the best time to be a youth"? Your head. The list of things to worry about is infinitely long. Education, Finance, Health, Survival... just to name a few.
When man became more advanced, people became increasingly stressed. This human advancement, globalisation, "we are getting smarter" thing is a double edged sword. One that is being a pain in the ass and stabbing me in my guts.
Bloody hell. Damn you.
P.S. Note to self:shannon, stop pushing people out when you just don't feel well anymore.Negativity sucks, but at least it's the truth, i'm not hiding behind a mask.Stop acting so strong emotionally, and be so extra and accept everything that you have been dealt with.If the cards you were dealt suck, discard them.Don't discard friends. Don't push people out. Don't act like you're ok when you're not.
i got through another day. not smiling feels weird, but my heart's just weighed down (not because i went to clog my arteries with fats,aka lipids)
i guess it's a good thing. i just didn't feel like smiling today.
I lie. I bloody lie. A lot. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's to hide the truth when you don't want pity or worry from others. And sometimes, it's to hide your real feelings. (NO, if you're reading this, i did not contract no std, or turn like gay or anything of that sort.)Why are some people so at ease with revealing their feelings, and laying it all out on the table, when others just can't?Stop nodding your head and accepting tasks when you know you can't handle them.Stop overloading yourself with so much things to do.Relax, take a chill pill. (i wish.)i just thought of The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" - I feel like that. Except i wish i had blue eyes. That'd be cool.Today, i was humming "Rootless Tree" by Damien Rice a lot. It sure is emo. But who gives a shit, it's an awesome song. Float on makes me smile. If only i could.. float on.. (not like a ghost or spirit)