Tagging: Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan, Steve
Tagged By: Melissa Anne Siew Lin Dorai
1. Do you have secrets?
Who doesn't? This question's retarded
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
Ew. A few days difference is ok. But not the Demi Moore-Ashton Kutcher kind. Not even a year. NONONO. Yucks.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
most of the time. I can act like a nutcase.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Get a big house.
Get a room with a killer sound system, and awesome screen and a killer movie projector, and get movies i've always wanted to watch.
Build a huge music room, with tons and tons of instruments. (musical, for all you pervs.)
Get gifts for friends, who've always wanted something, but never had the money. (only if it's reasonable. I'm capping it at 8k per person)
do everything i've ever wanted to do with a billion dollars.
Save the rest. But not in minibonds. NEVER in minibonds.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
probably not.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
em. loved.
7. Ideal boy/girl?
Has a brain
Not some leech
Taller than me, or at least my height.
Not overly buff.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Try to forget about it. It's wrong, and i don't want anyone to do it to me..
9. List five favourite TV shows.
Well, i used to be obsessed with the following at some points of my life. None now though, cause i really can't watch too much tv.
The O.C.
One Tree Hill
Miami Ink
Globetrekker (lol embarrassing.)
10. Do you have any regrets?
Loads. But you live a little. Trying to give everything a shot so i don't regret too much.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Probably finishing my med studies. Either that, or being a historian/musician/film director, amongst many other aspirations.
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
John Nash
The Cambridge marker for my A level papers next year
13. What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
Um cool, likes good music. Lives life. Funny. Laughs A LOT. Cool. (:
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Money makes the world go round.
15. What is your favourite colour?
Can't really shorten it down but it's between
Blue =/
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
It depends
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
please specify. Which one has what?
The one i feel more comfortable with, obviously, or would live happier with.
18. Does forever exist?
I guess it does, sometimes physically, or mentally, for famous people, and landmarks, etc. God is believed to be eternal, and the thought of there being a God has been there since eons ago. Mozart's music lives on, now way past his death, and the eiffel tower has been standing for many years now.
But, you know, forever exists in the sense that change will be forever. Changing of global climate, of appearance, of wealth, etc. Like how 5 billion years down the road, if the ozone layer stays, and we don't all die before that, the universe will become nothing again, like how it began as nothing billions and billions of years ago.
19. Name three things you would like to do but would never be able to:
Master the guitar
Write a book
Compose music that actually sounds good
20. BK Vs LJS. Who's the winner?
Um if i think i know what you're saying
Burger King. Can't help but love the whopper. Now that's ace.
21. If you tried on a pair of shoes, and they fit, and they were the only pair left, but someone magically came to steal them from you on a flying lawnmower... What would you exclaim?
"Póg mo thóin, yer feckin eejit!" Then, I'd take a gun and shoot the flying lawnmower down too, if i really love the shoes.
Nah, i'd be ok with it, because that'd be a dream. I've long got over the phase where i thought Harry Potter was real, and even contemplated going to Scotland to demand a place in Hogwarts.
22. Boys or Girls?
Huh? What? You mean do i like boys or girls? Or am i a boy or girl? What?
I like girls as friends. I like guys as friends too, and sometimes more than friends too, for guys. haha.
23. Would you consider yourself a morally upright person?
I guess so. Sometimes i get infuriated when people do things they shouldn't, but sometimes i do it too, whether due to peer pressure, or me just not realising it's wrong. It's part of human nature, and i guess i'm just a normal person, who does good but bad too. I don't know what i mean, but i hope you do.
24. Who would you want to meet on the red carpet and why?
Osama Bin Laden, at the premiere of "Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden". Then i take out my gun, shoot him, and get famous and rich. MUAHAHAHHAHAHA
Ok, honestly.
Adam Broody
Johnny Depp
Orlando Bloom
Jude Law
Shia Lebeouf
Heath Ledger (unfortunately this will never be)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Zac Efron
Lucas Gabreel
Daniel Radcliffe
Michael Cera :D
Brandon Flowers
Ellen Paige
Agyness Deyn
Emily Osment
Emma Watson
Megan Fox (currently, the closest i have got to this is knowing Megan's fox, which is hanging off Megan Lee's pencilcase. LOL)
25. Would you have sex with a random stranger?
most likely not? Well not willingly anyway. Like i could get really drunk or something, but.. NO.
26. Do you smoke?
Pot. yeah. In your dreams. I've been to a cold climate, and blown out of a tube with fog coming out, so yes, i probably have. No, i haven't had anything to do with tobacco, except maybe secondhand smoke, so yeah. i've no money. Probably wouldn't even if i had.
27. Ever felt like killing yourself?
Loads of times. Then i realise i'll be nowhere and nothing, literally. So i don't.
Then again, i haven't hit that point of complete despair either. When i do, i'll let you know though. ;)