let me forewarn you, this is not a cheery post.
well, it isn't even a long post anyway.
for my whole life, it's been not enough.
Not _____ enough.
fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
good, hardworking, clever, persistent, nice, cool, studious, friendly, loyal, aware.
been there, done that.
Fuck it.
Pull yourself together.
You'll forever be an underdog loser (in your my own very eyes anyways) your whole life.
Make something out of your shit of a life.
No, it's not so hard, these 5 things, in addition to eat, sleep, bathe, breathe, pee, poo.
Not that hard is it?
Shannon can't you fucking handle your own life.
Fucking grow up.
Sober up.
stop being a fuck-up.
Suck it up.
Go up
Be on top.
I will win this fucking war called "MY STUPID LIFE"
stop making empty promises to yourself.
Print this out & stick it up on your wall but "blanco" out the fwords.
Yes shannon, i mean YOU.
Just do it.
Don't care anymore lah!!!!!!!!#$W%&^*(%^#(*$^$*&*(&)*+_(&^*%^%W^*(%&$#^ &*